PRIORITY 1: No tolerance with a goal of eradication upon detection.

Weeds in this category are considered by Uinta County Weed & Pest to be highly invasive, pose the highest threat to native plant communities, are known to render land unfit for wildlife and livestock grazing, reduce land value and recreation, and are found or were previously found in extremely low numbers in Uinta County. Early detection and rapid response along with noxious weed education will be used with a goal to eradicate these weeds.

PRIORITY 2: No tolerance, aggressive control on all known infestations.

Weeds in this category are considered by Uinta County Weed & Pest to be highly invasive, pose a high threat to native plant communities, are known to render land unfit for wildlife and livestock grazing, reduce land value and recreation, and are found in low numbers in Uinta County. Containment and reduction of current infestations, early detection and rapid response of new infestations, use of biological control measures, along with noxious weed education will be used to control, reduce numbers, and in certain circumstances eradicate. UCWP will 60% cost share on herbicides and 50% on labor.

PRIORITY 3: No tolerance of further spread from their established locations, control and maintenance of current weed infestations and aggressive control to areas otherwise free of these weeds.

Weeds in this category are established in large numbers in localized areas only. They are highly invasive, their further spread poses a significant threat to non-infested native plant communities, and they currently render land unfit for wildlife and livestock grazing, and reduce land value and recreation. Containment of current infestations through the use of best management practices and biological control, stopping further spread through early detection and rapid response of known non-infested areas along with noxious weed education will be used to maintain, control, and reduce weed numbers. UCWP will cost share 50% on herbicides.

PRIORITY 4: No tolerance of further spread, control and maintenance of current weed infestations.

Weeds in this category are established throughout Uinta County in large numbers. They are highly invasive, their further spread poses a significant threat to non-infested native plant communities, and they currently render land unfit for wildlife and livestock grazing, and reduce land value and recreation. Containment of current infestations through the use of best management practices and biological control, stopping further spread through early detection and rapid response of known non-infested areas along with education will be used to maintain these weeds at their present level. UCWP will cost share 50% on herbicides.